Acts 29

Mar 12, 2023 • Mike Hubbard • Series: To Be Continued…

We come to the end of this story, sermon #50 from the book of Acts. It ends with a rather frustrating cliff hanger. Paul has reached Rome, and the Gospel has spread all over the Empire. But he is still awaiting a trial when the book abruptly ends. We have no idea what happened to Peter and the other 12. And the story ends with Paul awaiting his trial before Nero where he could die or go free---which happened? If we read this story as primarily a narrative about early Christian leaders, the story ends without a resolution. But if we understand Acts as the story of God and the beginning of the mission of God, we realize the book of Acts is just the beginning. As Scripture, Acts ends. But the story goes on, and we get to be a part of it. For God's glory we are still telling the story. We are Acts 29. This sermon will be a primer on church history and the advance of the Gospel to the ends of the earth, and a reminder that the story is not done. Therefore, we are still called to this big plan and have our moment to join the story.

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Sundays @ 10:00am

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