Have you ever been on one of those long family road trips? Everyone brought their suitcases down, Dad played a Jenga game trying to figure out how to make everything fit, Mom packed a bag full of snacks, kids with their games ready in the back seat. Pulling out of the driveway was so exciting, but the thrill waned quickly as boredom and whining took over in the car. Somewhere in the journey the family pulled out a playlist of songs and belted them out together. But after hours in the car and maybe a night or two in hotels along the way, the anticipation builds again as the family started counting down the miles and seeing landmarks near the destination. Nothing beats that feeling of pulling in to the destination and the thrill of arriving. Our Summer journey through the Psalms of Ascent is coming to a close. For the travelers, this song was the song of arrival---they had made it to Jerusalem! Let the celebration begin! The songs for the journey have helped the travelers along the way. We need the Psalms! These ancient poems, prayers, and songs are for our journey. They are God's kind gift to remind us that in the ups and downs, difficulties and joys, our God is with us all the way and He will get us to our destination. So, we join the song of blessing and celebration. Even though our sermon series journey ends today, the book of Psalms is a treasure that we should return to often.
Sundays @ 10:00am
18401 Historic Route 66, Eureka, MO 63025
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Genesis Kids provides programming for children from birth through fifth grade. Casual dress is the norm.