Created to Be Like Jesus - The Purpose of Discipleship

May 6, 2012 • Mike Hubbard • Series: Welcome to the Planet

The Bible says in Romans 8:29 "For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of His son." God's plan has always been to make you like Jesus Christ. Once you're in God's family He wants you to take on the family likeness. He wants you to become like His Son -like Father, like son. Not only is this one of God's purposes for your life, it is also a promise God has made, a promise made before the foundation of the world. But how does this happen? Simply, it happens in the beautiful collision of the Spiritual disciplines and real life. God shapes us into the image of Jesus as we get to know Him better through His Word and prayer, and then as we apply those in hardship and temptation. This is our fourth sermon in the 40 Days of Purpose Campaign.

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Sundays @ 10:00am

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Genesis Kids provides programming for children from birth through fifth grade. Casual dress is the norm.


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