Doesn’t Christianity Denigrate Women?

Jun 25, 2023 • Mike Hubbard • Series: Confronting Christianity

This morning we continue our Confronting Christianity series, wrestling with the questions our culture is asking about the Christian faith, as discussed in Rebecca McLaughlin's book. We will wade into a difficult cultural question this morning---one that has led to many leaving the church. Doesn't Christianity denigrate women? We do need to acknowledge that Christianity has often misused Scripture to support a male-dominated society and has participated in the denigration of women. But if we look intently in the Scriptures, we actually find a different story. The Bible reveals the glorious truth that men and women are equal as God's image bearers, and all people are infinitely valuable and gifted. Yet it also affirms the beauty of the differences between men and women and defines certain roles in marriage and in the church. This is purposeful in God's design, as our masculinity and femininity actually point to truths greater than ourselves. Understanding this, we will see the Gospel celebrating women as equals and calling the church to protect them, equip them to lead and serve, and deploy them to use their gifts in the church and the world.

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Sundays @ 10:00am

Pacific Intermediate gymnasium
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Genesis Kids provides programming for children from birth through fifth grade. Casual dress is the norm.


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