Everyone Needs A Mentor

Jan 26, 2020 • Mike Hubbard • Series: DysFunctional Grace

The journey of faith was never designed to walk alone. Therefore, it is important to form a relationship with someone farther along in the faith who can serve as a mentor. Paul loves the Corinthian church and has served them as a Spiritual Father. The passage today has some harsh words which will continue through the rest of the letter. Yet, Paul's motivation is love and his desire is to see them walk in the ways of Christ. We all need mentors in the faith---people who will love us, stick with us, but also say the tough things for our good. We need people who follow Jesus and then invite us to imitate them until we learn how to do it on our own. These people will help us in our spiritual lives, marriages, parenting, and many other walks of life. Today is an important day for us at Genesis as we are asking our members to renew their covenant during the service. This time demonstrates publicly that God has called us to be a family of faith and that we are committed to Christ and one another.

Service Times

Sundays @ 10:00am

18401 Historic Route 66, Eureka, MO 63025
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Genesis Kids provides programming for children from birth through fifth grade. Casual dress is the norm.


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