Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire, Part 2

Mar 20, 2022 • Mike Hubbard • Series: To Be Continued…

Jesus told His initial followers that they were to go and wait for the promised Holy Spirit that would baptize and fill them. And, then the day of Pentecost came. These men and women were in a Jerusalem home when it filled with wind, fire dropped on each of them, they were filled with the Spirit, and started speaking in tongues. But, what is Pentecost and what does this day teach us about what is happening in the story? In late Spring, the city of Jerusalem would fill with people from all over the world to celebrate this festival. The observance was filled with meaning from their Jewish heritage and a chance to give thanks for God's gift of the harvest. God chose this day to fill His followers with the Spirit and begin the great harvest among the nations. As those gathered for this festival found out, to be filled with the Spirit is to be sent out as a witness and even supernaturally empowered for the task.

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