Gospel Fluency

Feb 4, 2024 • Mike Hubbard • Series: The Recipe

As we continue our series on Genesis Church's recipe for making disciples, this morning we begin explaining the key ingredients ... and the first and most important ingredient is Gospel clarity and fluency. Knowing and believing the Gospel is central to our journey of becoming disciples---followers of Jesus. Apart from the Gospel, religion will be centered on efforts to change our own lives by fulfilling religious duties and rules. Paul reminds us of the universal need of the Gospel, but also the beautiful truth that we are justified as a gift because of the finished work of Jesus. Disciples need foremost and consistently to be reminded of the central truth of the Gospel, and shown that their identity and acceptance before God is always based on the finished work of Jesus. In other words, they need the Gospel, as Martin Luther declared, "beat into their heads continually." The Gospel is our one and only message as a church and it is our desire to lead our people to gain clarity and fluency in the Gospel.

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Sundays @ 10:00am

Pacific Intermediate gymnasium
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Genesis Kids provides programming for children from birth through fifth grade. Casual dress is the norm.


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