
May 2, 2021 • Mike Hubbard • Series: Identity Theft

As a Law & Order fan, I remember one episode that shook me a bit. The story centered on an elderly man who owned a family home that he purchased when he was young, and which he had raised his family. The home which had been paid off for years was now worth a significant amount of money. But his online identity was stolen by a hacker who then used the information to take out a mortgage, and as a result the home was foreclosed an the man lost everything. But more than this, the man shares that this thief did more than just steal his house, he robbed the man of his dignity. "This man robbed me of me!" We seek to understand ourselves and live our purpose, yet this goal seems so elusive. The reason is that there are hackers seeking to rob me of me. The more we seek to define our identity the more the enemies of our true self seem to steal. We need to be on guard against the three hackers who rob us of our identity, the world, the flesh, and the devil, and be aware of how each of these robs us of the wholeness of self God intends for us to experience.

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Genesis Kids provides programming for children from birth through fifth grade. Casual dress is the norm.


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