
Jun 24, 2018 • Rob Rash • Series: Top Ten 2018

Hell---when most people think about that word, we might think of places like the DMV or Highway 40 at rush hour or anytime spent at Walmart. To many people, the idea of hell gives a bad taste in their mouths and hearts. Preachers of old had frequently preached what are known as "fire and brimstone" sermons often speaking to the eternal damnation that awaits those outside salvation in Jesus. In fact, you might not like the idea of hell. You may have even asked and wrestled through the question, "How could a loving God send people to hell?" In today's society, we have all but abandoned the idea of hell and replaced it with other concepts. It is rare that you hear a pastor teach on the subject, because---let's be honest---it is very divisive. But ultimately, we have to live in the tension of what the Bible actually says. Is it a real place? Does it last for eternity? Do people only go their for a time and then, after they have paid for their sins, God just annihilates them? As we dig into the Word to see what God has said about hell, we will not only learn about the doctrine but two ways that will deeply impact our lives going forward.

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