I Am In Christ

May 9, 2021 • Mike Hubbard • Series: Identity Theft

The most important thing we need to know about our new identity in Christ, is that we are in Christ. This is not a minor statement in the New Testament. Paul said that if any person is "in Christ" he or she is a completely new creation, the old is gone and the new has come. To be in Christ means that our whole identity is wrapped up in our union with Jesus Christ, which is one of the great doctrines of the Bible. Being in Christ means that Jesus stands before God as our representative, meaning that I am positionally right with God and forgiven because of this union. God sees me in Christ. But being in Christ also means that Christ is in me, and is the power to become what God intends, for me to be reshaped by the life of Jesus.

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Genesis Kids provides programming for children from birth through fifth grade. Casual dress is the norm.


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