
Aug 7, 2016 • Mike Hubbard • Series: Inside Out

We tend to think of jealousy as a purely evil emotion, which is why it may catch us off guard when we read passages that declare God to be a jealous God. Now, God's jealousy is not the expression of an immature emotion like a middle school girl whose boyfriend just left her for another girl. God's jealousy is rooted in His glory and the knowledge that we are made by Him, for Him, and to His glory. God is not jealous of us, but He is jealous for us. At times, righteous jealousy is a godly emotion, but most of the time our jealously exposes our selfishness and idols. We need the Gospel to remind us that Christ is better than everything in this world that can make us jealous, and that true riches are the ones stored up for eternity, Christ is preparing our place and it is better than anything that make you jealous now.

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Genesis Kids provides programming for children from birth through fifth grade. Casual dress is the norm.


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