Jesus Is Our Better Assurance

Mar 9, 2025 • Mike Hubbard • Series: Better

Having faith is a popular idea in our culture. Come on---Ted Lasso told us to "Believe". But what is faith, and faith in what? Chapter 11 has often been referred to as the Hall of Fame of faith, kind of a who's who from the Old Testament. The chapter begins with a definition of faith and explanation of the nature of faith in the Gospel. This is coupled with a reminder that without faith, it is impossible to please God. Or, put positively, we are made right with God and stay right with God by faith alone. This is not blind faith in some mysterious deity; rather, Biblical faith is a faith that knows the truth of God and believes the promises of God. The key is to realize that it is the object of our faith and not the strength of our faith that ultimately matters. The faith that keeps us firm is assurance and conviction of the things promised but not yet seen. And we will see that every "hero" from the Old Testament story is justified and blessed solely based on their faith in Jesus.

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Genesis Kids provides programming for children from birth through fifth grade. Casual dress is the norm.


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