Jesus Is the Better Messiah

Dec 22, 2024 • Mike Hubbard • Series: Better

The author of Hebrews is one of several New Testament authors who quotes Psalm 110, making it the most referenced Psalm in the New Testament. This ancient song written by David pointed toward a future Priest/King for Israel. This is two of the four key human leadership roles given by God to His people; the others being Judge, and Prophet. God, in His kindness towards the Hebrew people gave these key leaders---each one responsible for an area of Israel's life and existence. But more than this, each stood in some way as a representative of God and His relationship with His covenant people. Furthermore, each of these roles pointed forward to the coming of one person who would rescue God's people, offer the true sacrifice, usher in God's Kingdom, and bring the very Word of God. As we approach Christmas we will consider how Jesus is our True and Better Judge, Prophet, Priest, and King, and show how we all need each of these for a fruitful life.

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Genesis Kids provides programming for children from birth through fifth grade. Casual dress is the norm.


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