Joy in Contentment

Dec 2, 2018 • Mike Hubbard • Series: Letter from a Roman Jail

The book of Philippians ends with a thankful encouragement to be content and generous, even in the midst of poverty. The Philippian church has been a mission partner with Paul, praying and giving to him throughout his ministry and often out of their poverty. Our passage today is Paul giving thanks to God for this church who is demonstrating faithfulness to the Gospel and love for him. Paul has learned the key to being able to do all things through Christ is to learn contentment. He has been in places of plenty and abject poverty, and Christ has been true in both. So Paul encourages the church to continue to walk in this mindset, knowing that their sacrificial giving is for their joy and a display of the glory of God. And, now their offerings are reaching even Caesar's household. When we are generous, we never know where the offerings will be used by God for His glory, but we can be sure that God will raise our joy when we let go of riches as our hope and cling to Christ.

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