Let Me Get Your Bottle

Nov 24, 2019 • Mike Hubbard • Series: DysFunctional Grace

It would be so bizarre to see a fifteen year old kid drinking from a bottle and wearing diapers. Yet, Paul tells the Corinthian church that this is exactly what they became spiritually. Paul uses two metaphors to explain how we grow. First, we are a field, with pastors and leaders working as gardeners. The laborers can plant and water, but it is God who brings growth. Second, we are a building, with each stone built upon the foundation, and God is the builder. Paul's point is that in both cases, their pastors and leaders are nothing more than workers who serve the purpose and design of Christ. And, it is Jesus who makes it grow and designs the building. God's design is for us to grow, but in a real way, we are what we eat. If all we get is a bottle, then our growth will be stunted. But, if we have the meat of the Word, blessed by the work of the Spirit, we will grow in our faith.

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Genesis Kids provides programming for children from birth through fifth grade. Casual dress is the norm.


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