Men and Marriage

Jul 15, 2012 • Mike Hubbard • Series: Becoming Who You Are

In our sermon today, we will present the case that gender is a gift from God, and that in creation as male and female, men and women are equal in their essence and personhood as image bearers of God, but they are different and complementary (not "compliment" which is to say nice things) in function. This is a theological position that has been called Biblical Complementarianism. In your passage from Ephesians on marriage, Paul explains the roles of men and women within the context of marriage. It is our belief that marriage will become beautiful and full of joy as husbands and wives fulfill the calling God has given them within the marriage. Today we are going to share with our men the calling and role that God has given them as husbands and men.

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Sundays @ 10:00am

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