
Jun 17, 2018 • Mike Hubbard • Series: Top Ten 2018

The second question in our Top 10 Series is a doozy, one that has been discussed and debated by Christians for 2,000 years. If the Bible teaches predestination, are all meant to be a child of God? As we read the Scriptures, it seems that two competing ideas show up over and over and over again. The first is that God is the author of salvation and is sovereign over all things, including those who are saved. Words such as predestination, foreordained, chosen, and the elect show up repeatedly. The truth is that all Christians believe in the idea of predestination because it is a Biblical word. On the other hand, the Scriptures contain countless appeals to all people that the Gospel is available and we must repent and believe. So, in the end, are we chosen by God because we believe, or do we believe in Christ because we are chosen by God? This is a deep question, but one that gives great joy and will lead us to worship when we understand it.

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Genesis Kids provides programming for children from birth through fifth grade. Casual dress is the norm.


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