Providence in Salvation

Oct 17, 2021 • Mike Hubbard • Series: Esther

The Old Testament contains the story of God's salvation through the covenant with Israel. While they were not faithful, God was, and the story of Esther continues this narrative. God saved His people through two unlikely heroes, one who put her life on the line, and the other had a wooden stake prepared for him and was on his way to execution. While God's name is not mentioned in the book of Esther, God delivered His people from this horrible genocide, keeping His promises to them. But more importantly, these people were the vehicle for the Promised Messiah. We, like Mordecai, face a gallows, and we, too, had someone die in our place there. But in our case it was not the wicked Haman, rather the righteous Jesus who gave His life freely for us. In this way, Esther is an echo of the salvation we have in Christ. And, interesting enough, the story here points us to the missionary purpose of all salvation, as the nations are included in God's plan for salvation.

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