Providence in V’Nahafoch Hu

Oct 24, 2021 • Mike Hubbard • Series: Esther

V'Nahafoch Hu, "The reverse occurred" as the ESV translates this Hebrew phrase from Esther 9:1 It literally means "it was turned upside down" or "the opposite happened". When Jews celebrate Purim this phrase is at the center of the party. The kingdoms of this world seek to control and rule with power, influence, oppression, and fear. Yet, in the end, they all come and go---Persia is long gone, as is Greece and Rome who replaced it. But, in Persia lived the people of a different Kingdom whose King is always at work, even if in the shadows. There is always an upside down world, a Kingdom who works through weakness rather than power, love rather than fear, humility and grace rather than oppression and abuse. It is an upside down, inside out, forward back Kingdom that always stands against human kingdoms and powers. This Kingdom will not fall and will have the final say.

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