Red Letters: “X” Marks The Spot - Seeking First, Part 2

Jul 26, 2009 • Mike Hubbard • Series: Red Letters

When a bike tire is out of round, it makes riding the bike almost impossible. The brakes will rub, the handle bars will wobble, and the wheel will eventually start caving in. It's no fun, and furthermore, unsafe. When a bike tire is out of round, it usually means that there is something wrong with some of the spokes, which has caused them to somehow get disconnected from the hub. Life is a little like a bike tire. At the center of our being, we are called to love Jesus and follow Him as our king. This means that we should have all the spokes of our lives connected to him. Yet, we find ourselves wobbling and running out of air. Today we are going to try to find a way to true the tire, and get our lives connected to the center again.

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