The Gospel has always confronted the kingdoms of the world and often suffers under wicked rulers. The message of Jesus the King is generally not well received by those who believe they are sovereign. In today's passage, Herod throws his weight around, arresting and killing James, the first martyred Apostle. When that pleases his constituency, Herod goes after Peter, with plans to end Peter's life as well. God miraculously saved James through death and saved Peter by rescuing him from death. But the story reminds us that no leader is sovereign and wicked leaders will answer to God, as Luke chooses to tell us the story of Herod's horrible death, which he interprets as an act of divine judgment. In this we are reminded that no kingdom of this world can stop the mission of God and His purpose for our lives. And, we are reminded of the importance of prayer in the church, and the reality that God does answer our prayers---sometimes in bizarre, humorous, and miraculous ways.
Sundays @ 10:00am
18401 Historic Route 66, Eureka, MO 63025
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Genesis Kids provides programming for children from birth through fifth grade. Casual dress is the norm.