The God Who Tells Stories

May 24, 2015 • Mike Hubbard • Series: I Am

Have you ever thought about who would play you if your story was ever told in a movie? It may be something interesting to fantasize about, but truth is that we may feel like our story is pretty small and unimportant, so who would want to tell it? As we come to the end of Exodus and conclude our series on this great story told in this book, the truth is that there are lots of people connected to this story of whom we know nothing of. But, they were invited into and involved in the great narrative of God telling His story. And their bit part in this great epic makes everything in their lives important. Today we will conclude our series with a challenge to find our place in the great unfolding story of God.

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Genesis Kids provides programming for children from birth through fifth grade. Casual dress is the norm.


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