The Gospel and Homosexuality

Aug 1, 2010 • Mike Hubbard • Series: Top Ten List

Recently, a Christian recording artist came out of the closet announcing on Larry King Live that she had spent the last seven years living with her girlfriend. In the interview she shared that her homosexuality was completely compatible with her understanding of God and her Christian beliefs. This issue is everywhere, and few topics raise emotions as quickly. Some like the Westboro Baptist Church take a hard line approach declaring with a bit of vengeance that God will judge homosexual people. Meanwhile, an entire denomination has embraced gay people even to the point of ordaining homosexual bishops. It seems that the Bible speaks clearly to the issue, but how are we to interpret the teaching of Scripture on this topic. Our goal is to explain this as we try to answer the question, "Is it possible to Resolve the Romans 1 view of homosexuality with the rest of scripture saying it doesn't 'rate' sin?"

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