The Force of Star Wars, the "Circle of Life" from the Lion King, and Pocahontas "Color of the Wind" each expresses a view of the world that is spiritual and enticing. The ideas expressed in these movies points to a spiritual force within nature that mixes the divine with the earthy, Creator mixed in with creation. These movies express a worldview that is deeply entrenched in our culture and has probably been embraced on some level by most all of us. Paul tells us in Romans that there are only two religions, the Truth and the Lie, the worship of Creator of the worship of creation. We will probably discover that we have believed the lie and in some way integrated these views into our worship and lives.
Sundays @ 10:00am
18401 Historic Route 66, Eureka, MO 63025
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Genesis Kids provides programming for children from birth through fifth grade. Casual dress is the norm.