The Grace of Discipline

Feb 2, 2020 • Mike Hubbard • Series: DysFunctional Grace

Church discipline is one of the most difficult topics to broach. It feels harsh to confront a person in rebellious sin and even go as far as removing them from fellowship. The Scripture passage today reports that the Corinthian church had a member who was in a relationship with his step-mother and they were showing up each week at church. The church was welcoming them as if there was no problem. Even the immoral Corinthian culture thought this was weird. Paul says they are to deal with this brother and to cut off fellowship. Sin is like leaven, which will fill the loaf, but we must be careful. Too often the church has been harsh with outsiders about their sin while overlooking sin within the church. We are to flip that, having non- judgmental friendships with people in our culture, while being clear about sin within the church. Discipline is an act of loving grace for those in sin and for the entire church when done with truth and humility. And, it maintains the Christ-exalting witness of the church in the culture around us.

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