The Purpose of God

Jan 22, 2012 • Mike Hubbard • Series: Church 101

Have you ever heard of a business class creating an assignment where individuals in the course create a fictional business to create the fictional product a widget. Students create a business plan, look at financials, and develop ideas for production and distribution. Great idea and plan, except the students don’t have an idea what they are actually trying to produce. Way too often, the church functions just like the students in this class. We develop plans, create structures and organizations, and even gather people, but without a clear idea as to the purpose for their existence. As Jesus spent his last hours with his disciples, he gave them a very clear purpose and a very distinct goal. This morning we continue our series about re-thinking the church we will look at a passage called the Great Commission and explain how we at Genesis strive to accomplish the purpose Jesus gave His church.

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Sundays @ 10:00am

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Genesis Kids provides programming for children from birth through fifth grade. Casual dress is the norm.


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