To Be Continued…

Feb 20, 2022 • Mike Hubbard • Series: To Be Continued…

Today we begin a new series: To Be Continued... on the book of Acts. We often hear the phrase, "God has a plan for your life," and this is true. But that plan fits in God's global plan and story. This story is the primary message of the entire Bible: God's purpose to display His glory through creation, the redemptive work of Jesus, and the salvation of His people to the ends of the earth. The book of Acts in the New Testament is a key chapter in that grand story revealing God's work in redeeming diverse people all over the Roman world resulting in the birth of the church. Acts is the continuation of Jesus' redemption story and shares the amazing story of how the Gospel spread from a small group of 120 people in Jerusalem to every major city in the Roman Empire. This happens as the Holy Spirit empowers followers of Jesus and Jesus builds His church. And, as with the entire story of God, Acts is more than just a narrative revealing history, it comes with an invitation to join the story of the mission of God and His people. So while Acts ends as a book of the Bible, it is a story that is to be continued until Jesus comes again, and we get to play a part!

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