
Jul 10, 2011 • Mike Hubbard • Series: Follow the Leader

"What Not to Wear" is a reality show featuring people who choose clothing options that are, well, tacky. These people become case studies for the viewer on what not to do if someone wishes to avoid being laughed out of a party. Of course, the hosts of the show fix the problem by putting people in the right outfits for all occasions. We may fear committing a faux pas in the way we approach a social setting, but do we fear making mistakes in the way we approach Jesus. In our study of the Gospel of Mark today we are going to meet a man who was probably the trend setter on what to wear, but we will see he is an amazing case study on how not to approach King Jesus.

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Sundays @ 10:00am

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Genesis Kids provides programming for children from birth through fifth grade. Casual dress is the norm.


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