What Did Jesus Accomplish On The Cross? - He Is My Righteousness

Oct 26, 2011 • Mike Hubbard • Series: Follow the Leader

The writer of Ecclesiastes states our problem succinctly. "What is crooked cannot be made straight, and what is lacking cannot be counted." As people, most of us generally want to do good things and be good people. And, from one perspective, we can do things that are benevolent, and may even live a moral life. But the truth is that all of us have struggles with habits, sin, doubt, depression, lust, anger, and a myriad of other actions that control. No matter how hard we try to make our lives straight, we look back and see a crooked stick that cannot be straightened. The Bible calls this the issue of righteousness, which means that God has created a standard, a measuring stick, and our lives do not measure up. But they don't measure up in our actions because we are unrighteous people on the inside. There has only been one righteous person, one straight stick. By dying for our sin, Jesus has provided His righteousness to be imputed into our lives. He makes crooked sticks straight.

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