Our existence in this world is deeply affected by power, especially political power. In our country, we know that the next round of voting limits the power of those in authority over us. However, our government does exert significant influence over our lives and culture. In other contexts, the rule of kings, emperors, despots, or other supreme leaders can feel omnipotent and eternal. This is especially true when the people of God encounter leaders who seek to destroy the faith, silence their witness, and kill true believers. Daniel has visions of a ram and a goat that prophetically point to some of the most powerful and diabolical leaders coming between his day and the time of Christ. Under these rulers, the persecution experienced by the people of God will be real and intense. But the reign of these leaders will not have the final say. This prophecy is a reminder that only God is sovereign and the kingdoms of this world are little more than the theater in which God displays His power and glory.
Sundays @ 10:00am
18401 Historic Route 66, Eureka, MO 63025
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Genesis Kids provides programming for children from birth through fifth grade. Casual dress is the norm.